How Many Eggs Does A Chicken Lay In A Week?

A basket of eggs collected in a week.

Consistency in terms of laying eggs is a manifestation that of a strong and joyful hen. As the hen reaches 18 weeks, it is ready to lay eggs, and during this prime period, they lay eggs almost every day. Mostly, they start laying 250 eggs annually that is equivalent to 6-7 eggs per week, especially … Read more

How To Breed Chickens For Meat

Farmer feeding chicken in the backyard coop.

Raising chickens for meat is relatively easy and can be done in a limited amount of space. If you are looking to source a high-quality product for yourself and your family, look no further than your own backyard.  While chickens can also be raised to produce eggs, this article will focus on the process of … Read more

How To Start A Chicken Egg Farm

Farmer holding eggs in the coop.

Owning and running a successful chicken farm venture goes beyond merely raising chickens. Marketing, financial viability, and brand awareness are all parts of starting and maintaining a successful venture. You will be positioned for growth as you build out your business, keeping these factors in mind. The overall structure of your chicken egg business can … Read more

How Many Eggs Can A Broody Hen Sit On?

A black hen sitting on a clutch of eggs.

It will depend on the capacity of the broody hen. Most of the chicken breeds are capable of sitting on 10-12 eggs. In my case, I have had hens that can incubate 14-16 eggs. Again, the number of eggs may depend on the biological potential of the chicken. It really takes a full understanding of … Read more