Fencing of some type is necessary to surround your coop or poultry area to protect your poultry and intruders out. Protecting your flock from predatory animals is critical whether you are a novice to poultry husbandry or are constructing or purchasing a new coop, poultry farmer, or range.
Wire fencing is available in a variety of grades, production methods, and sizes. In addition, chicken wire exists in various forms and styles, ranging from basic wire netting to welding or galvanized meshes. If you would like to ensure that your poultry is secure from predation and properly confined, take a sticky beak look at what is ideal for your poultry when it pertains to chicken wire selection. There are several different types of wire and fence, and I will discuss a few of them in this article.
Types of Wire and Fencing Suitable for Chicken Coop
Poultry Netting
Poultry netting is comparable to chicken wire and refers to as deer netting. The holes in chicken netting are manufactured out of plastic and come in a variety of sizes. You may apply it surrounding the coop or yard to protect your crops and poultry security from migratory animals. It is also very cheap and has just a few safe applications. Since it makes of plastic, it is not even close to being as predator-proof as chicken wire. But, as previously said, it is a simple and inexpensive method to complete the first half of your day’s run.
Chicken Wire
Most people believe that this is the top choice for their coops. Hexagonal apertures are created by weaving thin wire together to produce. It is inexpensive, but it rapidly rusts. Although this serves to keep the birds inside, it will not hold the predators out. While hens can keep an eye on things while you’re at work during the day, a chicken wire may not be ideal as a fencing solution. Many people keep it in the top sections of coops and enclosed runs to cut costs. Mice are agile climbers. Thus, they can squeeze through the holes as well.
Galvanized Hardware Cloth
It is ideal for constructing an insulated chicken house or coop. One-half galvanized hardware cloth is essential. If the holes are too narrow, they will not dissuade rodents or reptiles, but they may shatter if they are too big. Therefore, 3 to 6-foot rollers are pretty famous, although roll lengths from 25 to 100 feet are also available.
The mesh is woven or welded together out of metal wires then galvanized to prevent it from rusting. It is rigid, but it is easy to stretch and trim using wire snips, and you may use poultry fence screws to connect it to the structure or supports. Hardware cloth shape when bent, and it maintains its form nicely after that. You should avoid Staples from a hand-powered staple gun. These are prone to rust, and if they dislodge, they will chew them on. Pneumatic staples, on either hand, use galvanized staples that shoot out of the cannon.
Chain Link
Your chicken coop will benefit significantly from the addition of a chain link. To stop reptiles, rodents, and raccoons out, you may put shorter gauge wire at the base of your runs, and you should secure the chain-link holes with welded metal flanges since these raccoons may be able to climb through the more significant gaps. In addition, chain link is more suited to chicken runs where you may be facing more prominent and formidable animals such as foxes, bobcats, wild boars, or tigers.
Electric Fencing
Even though you may be concerned about more giant predators, you should consider an electric fence if you want to deter predators. Constructing a second layer of barrier is effective: Having a no man’s space of a meter or so beyond your electric fencing and your run fencing allows your poultry to stay completely secure. Similarly, electric fencing may be helpful if you intend to let your poultry wander freely throughout the day, often alter the area in which they are allowed to go. Electric fencing, which costs quite a bit to purchase but also has to be maintained regularly to make sure it’s still functioning, will enable you to have a big fenced-in area where your poultry can roam securely.
The options listed above are unusual since they each utilize screens that you may already have in your home. If pests are a problem in your location, this is a terrific choice. There is less more challenging than an infestation of flies or gnats, which may damage your flock. Wire screens are reasonably simple to set up, but they are harder to repair.
You may have to change your screens often if your poultry is lively and tend to squabble. In addition, they are not very resistant to predation, which means that if your neighbors’ pets like making a meal of your flock, then screens are not advised. Finally, since they are likely to be a little more costly, you should see if you can find alternative chicken wire choices on this blog to compare prices.
Several Recommended Chicken Wire for Chicken Coop Fencing
Last update on 2024-09-08 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
1) Amagabeli 36inx50ft 1/2
The Amagabeli provides hardware cloth for your poultry’ coop. You will benefit much from it. It applies to any of these capacities: for the window frame, poultry runs, garden fences, projects involving property, and workshops. Installing this mesh roll is a cinch—you can elevate the bed or fence. This size is known as one- half-36 inches by 50 inches.
Galvanized and corrosion-resistant as it is, the mesh rolls will continue to function for a long time. Stiffer than most wools, these wools are substantial and don’t feel tight. To accomplish this, you may either use the wire cutting tool or the clippers. Galvanized hardware cloth, often known as poultry netting, is 1/2 inches wide. As a result, you can protect your chickens, ducks, and birds from the following migratory animals by keeping them away.
2) YARDGARD 308476B Mesh Poultry Netting
YARDGARD Poultry Netting is solid chicken wire in the conventional hexagonal form that chicken keepers are familiar with and appreciate when improving or creating their subsequent poultry barrier. This fence constructs with a 19-gauge hexagonal weaving coated with zinc and silver for added resilience and rust resistance. YARDGARD Poultry Netting runs on a 50-foot roll and is about 36 inches tall, so dependent on the dimensions of your facility, you may be capable of completing it with just one roll. Galvanized wire uses this specific chicken netting to weaves into the typical hexagonal design, which keeps resisting corrosion.
Several kinds of chicken wire encapsulate the wire after it weaves, which may result in reliability problems during the galvanization process, so it’s helpful to notice this distinction. Furthermore, galvanizing helps maintain the broad leeway of the fence construction, making it simpler to form and flex as required. However, due to the YARDGARD Poultry Netting’s high degree of elasticity, it must be fastened to stand tall, and therefore cannot be used as a freestanding fence. Additionally, this kind of fencing is not a good option for anybody who lives in an area with a high concentration of powerful predators since the wall may be twisted or smashed through.
3) Fencer Wire 23 Gauge Galvanized Hardware Cloth
Fencer Wire has you covered if you are searching for galvanized mesh hardware cloth to utilize throughout gardening, coops, and daily home improvements.
By using this hardware cloth, you may restore, safeguard, and replenish your personal property. Due to the multilayer zinc finish, it is very robust and corrosion-resistant. It is welded and galvanized evenly. You’ll consider it ideal for snake fencing, gutter guards, and poultry farming, among other uses. 23 gauge wire used has a 1/4″ diameter. It is cost-effective, lightweight, and adaptable.
This hardware cloth often exploits for low-cost temporary fences. This chicken coop wire is available in a variety of gauges. By selecting the appropriate size, you can ensure that your birds have enough room to run. In addition, it keeps predators out
by providing tiny openings. If you want a piece of assurance, excavate a small trench before installing the barrier to ensure that it is partially buried.
4) Mat 308498B Mesh Galvanized Poultry Netting
Mesh dimensions are 72″ x 150’2″. You can obtain this wire for your mature birds at an affordable price. This compact hex-mesh is available in an easy-to-use package. You will discover that it’s ideal for tiny animal containment. This 2-inch mesh is ideal for windows and frames covering soil erosion control, small animal enclosures, and plant defense. If you’re searching for a high-quality wire for your pullets or adult hens, this chicken coop wire is ideal. The lightweight fence can assist you in preventing animals out of your chicken coop.
5) BSTWM Chicken Wire Net 16.9in x 50ft
Galvanized chicken wire fencing twists into hexagonal fence wire before galvanizing for longer-lasting corrosion prevention. Chicken fence strengthens with parallel cables that run the length of the netting. It’s very durable and difficult to slide off when being trimmed or molded.
You’ll get a roll of 16.9 in x 50 ft galvanized hexagonal net, a small manufacturing iron wire cutters, and about 100 nylon self-locking wire bindings. So whether you’re working on a creative project or a substantial outdoor task, this equipment will make your life easier.
Key Factors to Consider Before Purchasing
While this wire may appear identical at first glance, there are some critical distinctions to keep in mind while searching for the best chicken coop wire for your arrangement.
The preceding are the characteristics that we think are essential when deciding which investment to make:
Chicken Wire Dimensions
The first factor to know when purchasing chicken wire is its size. Whenever you speak to the length of chicken wire, you mean the dimensions of the wire holes. Chicken wire manufacture in a variety of sizes. Small chicken wire is typically 12 inches in diameter, whereas more extensive types may be one or two inches in diameter. Chicken wire is almost usually hexagonal, and the most prevalent gauges are 18 or 20 gauge. The 12-inch chicken wire is the most often utilized since it is relatively tiny and may assist in deterring certain predatory break-ins, but you must go as minimal as possible. If you can buy 14-inch chicken wire or dual-up chicken wire layers to create even tiny holes, this is the best approach to preserve your poultry protected.
Wire Material
The majority of chicken wire is composed of metal. Chicken wire is available in various materials, including metal, iron, steel, galvanized, and other plated metals, galvanized chicken wire being the best widespread. Galvanized metal is zinc-coated to resist rust and corrosion. Therefore it’s a good idea to have galvanized things around where there is a chance of interaction with corrosive substances. Whenever you select galvanized steel or iron chicken wire, it will be less prone to rusted or deteriorate.
Additionally, galvanized and plastic-coated chicken wire is available. The plastic layer will extend the life of the wire even more, so this is a viable option. However, if used in a dry environment, chicken wire rusts after approximately five years, and it may require to be changed more often in wet regions.
Strength and Durability of the Wire
You should also evaluate the gauge measurement if you examine the whole size of the chicken wire holes. The gauge refers to the thickness of the wire intended to construct the chicken wire fence. It often varies between 19 and 22 while examining the wire. When considering galvanized wire, resilience and strength improve with the gauge, but the gauge is not the only factor influencing toughness. The tightness of the weaves determines the chicken wire’s total strength; chicken wire with a higher gauge and tiny holes, including a 12-inch wire, is substantial. Durable chicken wire is necessary to ensure that it does not readily bend out of shape, that it does not degrade, and that it helps keep predators away. However, if you need a more substantial barrier than chicken wire to defend against particularly determined predators, hardware cloth may be a suitable option.
It is prudent to examine your finances for chicken wire. Additionally, you must understand what a fair price is for each foot of wire. The expense often determines the weave’s fineness and the wire gauge needed to construct the barrier.
Wire Metal – Coated vs. Uncoated
While the coated chicken wire is not required, it may enhance the appearance of your chicken wire and, if your chickens get trapped within holes, it can make it simpler to release them and less uncomfortable for the chicken.
It is also a bit less difficult to set up since you won’t have to utilize tiny wires during the initial setup. However, coated chicken wire is often more costly than uncoated chicken wire, so whether you use the coated or uncoated chicken wire will depend on your finances.
Chicken Wire ½ inch – 1 inch
You may have noticed that chicken wire is available in two distinct types in addition to the standard dimensions coated and uncoated. Coated chicken wire is just chicken wire with an additional coating of plastic applied on the exterior. In most cases, it’s greenish, but I’ve encountered it in a variety of other hues, as well. Whenever you consider chicken wire, you usually think of the wire fence with hexagonal holes that often see in agricultural settings. While it is available in several sizes, the 12 inch and 1-inch varieties are the most suitable for poultry.
Chickens, tiny ones, may be able to scrape through wider openings, and predators may be able to sneak through as well, depending on the size of the portal. Furthermore, vermin such as rats may be able to squeeze through bigger openings. On the other hand, half-inch and one-inch chicken wire are simple to trim, which is an essential factor and mount — you can connect it to fencing posts using staples or sand washers, depending on your preference. Predators can easily rip apart this kind of chicken wire. Therefore, it is essential to keep this in mind while using it. Since we do not have many predators attempting to murder our chickens in our region, this method works great.
However, for readers who live near predators, have very violent local dogs, or have cunning raccoons, this kind of wire may result in unfortunate circumstances. Yet another concern, particularly if you have a chick, is that they may get twisted in chicken wire and have a wing trapped in the wire, which can be fatal. I’ve coped with this issue before – we’ve had to untangle the chick from the wire to let it free on many occasions. Never mind how they get trapped; let chickens be chickens and do what they want. However, this may occur – and it is something to consider. Although this kind of chicken wire is very cheap, you can get it in larger rolls at big box shops, which is convenient.
What length and width chicken wire should you buy?
The resolution to this inquiry will differ depending on the circumstances. It’s essential to consider the length and breadth of the chicken wire you’re buying before making a purchase.
For illustration, we’re now rebuilding the fence around my chicken coop. The posts are spaced 4 feet apart from one another. A total of 150 feet of 1-inch chicken wire has been brought to guarantee that we have enough for making panels for the whole length. The chicken wire is 48 inches wide and 150 feet long. If your fence posts are spaced closer together or farther apart, you’ll need to consider that when determining which chicken wire would be most effective for your chicken coop.
While we often construct a fence horizontally, it is preferable to place the wire directly vertically in chicken wire and chicken coops because of its strength. To prevent predators, you need to build your chicken run to be tall sufficient to maintain your flock contained. You also don’t wish any spaces between both the wires that predators may exploit. Therefore, adding another layer to a 48-inch-tall fence will be necessary when placed horizontally to be tall enough.
Tips and Recommendation
We hope you learned about the most delicate wire for chicken coop construction in this article. It is now an opportunity for you to make a choice your chicken wire for your coop.
One of the available choices in our article, the Galvanized Welded Chicken Coop Wire, is the most suitable choice among them. However, hardware cloth is a more durable alternative to conventional chicken wire. As a result, when it comes to putting up and protecting a chicken coop, most poultry owners choose a chicken fence.
I would recommend adding 1/2-inch hardware cloth to both open-air sides of the coop and fenced run, as well as to the roof. If there are any gaps more significant than 1/2 inch, bury it at least one foot below ground level. If there are no gaps larger than 1/2 inch, flare it out in a 2-foot skirt around the coop base, anchored above the ground surface and buried beneath a layer of mulch. You may use the additional materials for the poultry’ daytime run if they are available.
This kind of sturdy fence will ensure that your poultry remains contained. While doing so, it will protect them from any predators that may come across them. It will also assist them in keeping their eggs safe in their chicken nesting boxes while they are away. When it comes to running a productive chicken business, this is essential!